Reiki + Intuitive Reading Healing

Reiki is a beautiful Japanese technique that focuses on releasing energy blocks, aligning the chakra system, and allowing the client to experience clarity, healing, and a deep sense of peace. Reiki promotes a calm state of being by gently balancing your energy. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words – Rei which means “God’s wisdom or Higher Power” and Ki which is “life force energy.” Reiki is a spiritually guided life force energy that unlocks the potential for living the peaceful loving life you deserve. Angi begins her Reiki healings with a 10 minute guided meditation, allowing you time to relax, let go, and experience quiet introspection. During your session together, Angi receives vivid insight regarding your Soul’s most needed healing. She will use the final minutes of your session together to share this transformative information with you.

BENEFITS include:


  • Increases your Energy Levels

  • Relaxes your Body, Mind, and Spirit

  • Clears Emotional Blocks

  • Relieves Stress & Anxiety

  • Profound Clarity & Insight

Angelaria Healing Studio, Reiki, therapy, holistic healing

The Reiki + Intuitive Healing Experience

  • Personalized Approach: Each session is tailored to the individual’s needs, ensuring a unique and personal experience.

  • Sensory Engagement: Participants often report a heightened sense of knowing and perception, as the energy work opens the subtle body.

  • Physical and Emotional Healing: The practitioner works to release energy blockages, promoting both physical and emotional well-being.

  • Intuitive Development: Reiki expands awareness and helps in developing intuition, acting as an inner GPS during the healing journey.

SEH@Angelaria Healing Studio, Sould Emppowering Hypnosis Minneapolis

Why Choose Reiki + Intuitive Reading?

Holistic Integration of Body and Mind: Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It’s based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. By integrating this with intuitive readings, the practice becomes a holistic approach that not only addresses physical ailments but also touches upon mental and emotional aspects, providing a complete body-mind integration.

Empirical Evidence and Endorsement: While Reiki is often considered a spiritual practice, there is growing empirical evidence suggesting its effectiveness in improving various health outcomes. This evidence, combined with endorsements from healthcare professionals, adds credibility to its therapeutic potential.

Personal Empowerment and Self-Care: Reiki and intuitive readings empower individuals by giving them tools for self-care and self-healing. They encourage a proactive approach to health and well-being, where the individual plays an active role in their healing process.

Complementary to Conventional Medicine: Reiki is not meant to replace conventional medical treatment but to complement it. It can enhance the efficacy of medical care by preparing the body to heal and recover, potentially leading to reduced recovery times and improved outcomes.

Accessibility and Non-Invasiveness: Reiki is accessible to everyone, regardless of age or health status. It’s a non-invasive practice that can be performed anywhere, requiring no special equipment or environment, making it an ideal complement to traditional healthcare settings and home care alike.

Intuitive Insights for Personal Growth: The intuitive reading aspect of the session provides insights that may not be readily apparent through introspection or traditional counseling. These insights can lead to significant personal growth and understanding, offering guidance on life’s path.

Cultivation of Inner Peace and Balance: Regular Reiki sessions can help cultivate a sense of inner peace and balance, which is increasingly valuable in today’s fast-paced and stressful world. This inner tranquility can have far-reaching effects on all areas of life, from personal relationships to professional performance.

Supportive Community and Continued Learning: Engaging in Reiki and intuitive readings often comes with a supportive community of practitioners and recipients alike. This community can be a valuable resource for continued learning and support, further enhancing the benefits of the practice.

*Choosing Reiki and intuitive healing readings offers a multifaceted approach to well-being that is supported by both traditional wisdom and modern practice. It’s a pathway to deeper self-understanding, physical health, and emotional balance, making it a compelling choice for those seeking a comprehensive approach to healing and personal development.